home schooling 在 Mrs1amology 【#HomeSchooling 自製大咀鳥水晶球】 的影片資訊
#玩具開箱 #aquadabra 記得上次自製海洋世界嗎?對,林小真係好喜歡,玩完又玩,玩到顏料淨返最後一滴,於是媽媽只好去補購顏料啦,睇下睇下原來佢地仲有水晶球咖! 當然要入手啦!呢款同海洋世界玩...
#玩具開箱 #aquadabra 記得上次自製海洋世界嗎?對,林小真係好喜歡,玩完又玩,玩到顏料淨返最後一滴,於是媽媽只好去補購顏料啦,睇下睇下原來佢地仲有水晶球咖! 當然要入手啦!呢款同海洋世界玩...
【#HomeSchooling #Stem 海洋世界】 有啲小朋友的喜好每日在變,但慶幸林小的熱度一般都超過3分鐘,而佢對世界嘅好奇,已經進展到動物百科 叢書 同 National Geograph...
We've gone back to staying at home again. A few weeks back when the situation had stabilised, we did...
Its been 10 years since I left JC and took chinese and my girls decided to test if I still remember ...
#乖乖在家上网课 #StudyFromHome #OnlineSchooling Contact Me | 若要找小弟业配,请联系?? ? [email protected]...
We are home schooling during covid-19 emergency while school was closing. The school principal and t...
Due to covid-19 school is closure, kids have to stay at home. Here is the diary for our stay home sc...
Home schooling- Amazing Snow Powder #amazingsnowpowder...
☆구독과 영상 좋아요 버튼을 눌러주세요. ☆ 인스타그램 - jini_pinkpink 【 https://www.instagram.com/jini_pinkpink/ 】 ☆ 럭키...
Brianna and Skyler are unboxing three National Geographic STEM Science Kits. First they dig for a r...